Supplementary friends-s01ΒΆ

This section includes a few extra analyses we implemented to select the hyperparameters cluster, state and fwhm to generate DYPAC parcellations. These include:

  • Matching parcels spatially between the training and validation subsets of friends-s01, to inspect qualitatively the parcels. This was done separately for cluster-20_state-60, and cluster-300-state-900.

  • Visualize brain maps of explained R2 in the brain for the validation subset of friends-s01, using DYPAC parcellations generated with the training subset, as well as public group parcellations. This motivated generating summary of the R2 distribution for the cortex, central structures and cerebellum.

  • Summary statistics for R2 distributions in the preceding experiment, only in central structures, and only in the cerebellum. Summary R2 measures for the cortex are presented in the main paper.