Material and Methods#


An overview of the structural dataset for the Courtois project on neural modelling (CNeuroMod) is shown below. 6 participants have been scanned up to 10 times over 3 years. ​Custom headcases (Caseforge, Berkeley, USA) were designed and used for each participant to minimize movements during the imaging sessions. The structural protocol consists of T1w, T2w and T2*w scans to quantify brain, SC (including grey matter, GM) morphometry, and MP2RAGE, magnetization transfer (MTR and MTsat) and dibusion-weighted sequences to compute metrics sensitive to demyelination in the white matter (WM).

Figure 1

For more details on the sequence parameters, please see the full protocol details and the MRI exam card PDF.

Processing pipelines#

Brain - qMRI#

Figure 6 - top

Brain - diffusion#

Figure 6 - middle

Spine - qMRI & diffusion#

Figure 6 - bottom